
I started this blog just for the hell of it after reading a few blogs from fellow cyclist friends of mine. Their blogs got me interested in what I might have to say and how often I might say it. These posts will not be strictly about cycling, that was just a title for the blog that came to mind as I was filling out the necessary info......I might change it later. Some of my interests that might get written about on this blog are in no particular order....Cycling, Photography, Food, Working Out ( as opposed to cycling), movies, & trips that I have taken or might take in the future.
Thanks for checking in. If I write something you don't agree with, that's okay. These are my thoughts, not yours.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011



   Had a good workout today. Or at least a good workout by my current standards. Back in the 90's I went from around 290 pounds down to around 195-200 lbs. Stayed ther for about 5 years. I have long since gained back 90 percent of that weight. Mostly due to laziness or apathy but alos due to a number of years wear I worked extremely long hours and just couldn't motivate myself to hit the gym, though I did keep up not one but two memberships. I would get back in the mood, or mode, every 6 months or so and do or say all the right things about how I was going to lose this weight this time. And occasionally I would lose 25-35 lbs. Right back it would come with the next crisis at work or in my life.
     I still want to lose that weight and if I actually get my diet in line it will happen pretty easily considering the time I am spending in the gym or on my bike these days (due to my current state of unemployment). Today I got on the treadmill after an hour on the stair master. My current time on the treadmill is 40 minutes. I warm up for about 10 minutes and then I alternate 1 minute at 6.2mph and 1 minute at 4.2mph. I just started back on the treadmill and I am still very heavy so that is good for now. But it got me thinking about the past. In 95-96 I was running pretty strong (18 min 5k) and I would go into the gym and do my workouts on the treadmill ( I enjoy the constancy of the gym and the ability to scientifically repeat workouts to measure today against yesterday). Today  I felt pretty good about "run/walking 3 miles in 38 minutes today. In the past I wouldn't have felt like "wasting my time" with such a workout. I used to go into the gym at 2am in the morning before the day of a race and do 45 minutes on a stair master and run 3 miles in around 24 minutes and not even be tired. In fact I would get up 3 hours later and go run a local 5K race just for fun, usually in a sub 19 minute pace.I am able to be happy with what I accomplished today but some where in the back of my mind is that little guy going you can do better. you can go faster. He doesn't care that I way 80 pounds more than when I could do this in the past. My goal for this year is to run a few 5k's in the last 3-4 months of the year in sub 25 minutes. Nothing grand, but it is on the road back. Hopefully I can lose some of the weight that I want to to lose so that this goal is possible. One foot in front of the other and continuing to adjust my diet will definitely make this possible.

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