
I started this blog just for the hell of it after reading a few blogs from fellow cyclist friends of mine. Their blogs got me interested in what I might have to say and how often I might say it. These posts will not be strictly about cycling, that was just a title for the blog that came to mind as I was filling out the necessary info......I might change it later. Some of my interests that might get written about on this blog are in no particular order....Cycling, Photography, Food, Working Out ( as opposed to cycling), movies, & trips that I have taken or might take in the future.
Thanks for checking in. If I write something you don't agree with, that's okay. These are my thoughts, not yours.

Friday, January 14, 2011


      After about three weeks I got back on the bike today, okay only on the trainer, but on the bike just the same. I did an easy workout of about 50 minutes. Didn't push it to hard. Kept it in the small ring and ran through the gears about 2.5 times. It felt good to be back in the saddle although I still feel a twinge in my hip flexor. Gonna have to take it easy for a while until I don't feel that twinge.


    No, not the bible. Although I hear it's a good read. No The book I am currently reading is called "Fly Boys" by James Bradley. It is a pretty good story about the military men that joined the different services and became pilots and crewmen in the Pacific during WWII. Good read about some very heroic people.
     Just finished the Bill Strickland book about Lance's Comeback in 2009. Good read. I wouldn't call it riveting but it was interesting nonetheless.


    I think one of the downfalls of the overtaking of the worlds communication by cell phones, twitter, facebook, et al is that it seems as no one really communicates anymore. We talk into our phones and type on our computers as a way of ignoring the people around us as we go through life. It used to be that when some one said hello to you you responded back to them. Maybe just a quick nod or a friendly hello but you responded. These days it seems as though people have gotten more and more unfriendly in daily life.
     I work on the streets of Las Vegas selling photos to tourists, and I make a point of trying to interact with the people on the street to drive my business. People walk by and literally ignore you as they go by. I don't think everyone has to take the time to talk to you, and many tourists are foreigners, but when you go as long as an hour and people pass you buy as though you are invisible there is something wrong. I love it when some one stops by and asks an interesting question or takes a genuine interest in my business. Not only do people not talk to you but it seems as though the vast majority of people in Vegas are downright depressed or mad. They don't smile, they stare at the ground, they just don't seem friendly or happy. I mean really they are in vegas not in some some podunk snowed-in town in the midwest that hasn't seen the sun shine in like 3 months.
     Smile People. Life is Short.

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