
I started this blog just for the hell of it after reading a few blogs from fellow cyclist friends of mine. Their blogs got me interested in what I might have to say and how often I might say it. These posts will not be strictly about cycling, that was just a title for the blog that came to mind as I was filling out the necessary info......I might change it later. Some of my interests that might get written about on this blog are in no particular order....Cycling, Photography, Food, Working Out ( as opposed to cycling), movies, & trips that I have taken or might take in the future.
Thanks for checking in. If I write something you don't agree with, that's okay. These are my thoughts, not yours.

Monday, January 10, 2011


   Work the last couple of days have really sucked. Not because I hate my job or anything like that but because we haven't done shit for business and it has been boring as all get out. I know my bosses are probably wondering what the hell is going on, but I can assure them I am working as hard as I can to make money for all of us. It is tough, though, when you are not even sure if your job will exist in a week or two. The job is in peril due to impending construction at our location on the strip. Everything is up in the air and it will probably come down to whether or not we can get a reliable power source. One that I asked to have put in about 7-8 months ago and it kept getting put off again and again. I kept informing my GM and the owners that this was going to be needed and nobody has jumped in to offer a helping hand in getting this achieved so that we can continue working.


     While I was walking through our employee dining room I witnessed something that was mildly interesting/amusing.
     This only took 15-20 seconds but it really caught my eye. I was leaving the cafeteria and as I did so I witnessed a lady putting sugar in her coffee. Now I like sugar in my coffee (the only thing I put sugar into) but what I saw was bordering on ridiculous. There was this lady pouring her sugar, she wasn't even watching what she was doing. She had one of those glass sugar containers like you find in all of the old coffee shops and she had it tilted totally upside down and pouring wide open into her cup of coffee which was all of about 12oz's. This got really weird after about 10 seconds and continued as I walked past her  and left the room. Easily it went on for 15 seconds. I would have liked to taste this coffee. It probably would have put anyone in a diabetic coma in less time than it took to pour the sugar. It reminded me of two things. One, when I was a kid I always like to come down after my dad went to work and pour some extra sugar into his leftover coffee. It tasted great (funny, but I am still not a coffee lover). Secondly, it reminded me of when we were kids and your parents bought you some tasteless, sugar free cereal. You know you went and poured a but load  of sugar into that bowl and when you were done you would eat the sugar of the bottom of the bowl. Yummy.


     There I was at work the other day, bored out of my mind, when one of my employees pointed out something pretty funny. She tells me to look over at the door that exits from the store we work in and when I did I saw what she was checking out.
     Inside the store, totally oblivious to the outside world, was this very cute young lady of about 3-4 years old. The fact that she was cute or young were not the relavent facts. There she was, mom no where in sight, licking the door. Not just just once or twice. She was licking that door as if it were the best all-day sucker or biggest ice cream cone she had ever seen. This went on for about a minute. Now if that had been the end of it I would have been pleasantly entertained for the rest of the day.
     But I went inside to sell photos a short time later and as I looked up there she was again, going at the glass on the door. Her mom was no where in sight but I did hear her call for her daughter. The young lady was apparently oblivious to her mom's beckoning. Shortly after I looked up and she had ran off to her mom. Great moment to break up an otherwise boring as shit day.


    What is the fascination with the need to back into parking spots. I don't get it. Do people do it so that they can get out easier. I used to drive a pickup with an 8 foot bed and a stick shift and I never had to back into a spot. If you can't park it.....don't drive it.

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