
I started this blog just for the hell of it after reading a few blogs from fellow cyclist friends of mine. Their blogs got me interested in what I might have to say and how often I might say it. These posts will not be strictly about cycling, that was just a title for the blog that came to mind as I was filling out the necessary info......I might change it later. Some of my interests that might get written about on this blog are in no particular order....Cycling, Photography, Food, Working Out ( as opposed to cycling), movies, & trips that I have taken or might take in the future.
Thanks for checking in. If I write something you don't agree with, that's okay. These are my thoughts, not yours.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011



    A new idea. What will be the first son that comes on Pandora when I open my computer.
   Today. Rubberband Man by the Spinners


    Just finished the book " The Art of Racing In the Rain" . Awesome read. Very uplifting and very sad. It is probably the fastest I have read a book in many years. It is not a complicated read but definitely makes you want to turn to the next page.
     This book made me think of my dog, G.G., quite a bit as I read. I have had her for a little over 8 years now, since she was 5 weeks old. She is an awesome dog. She has taught me a lot about relationships and friendship. Trust me I was not the best of owners when I first picked her up from one of the local rescue foundations (Noah's Ark). I wonder if like the dog in the book she has a voice, not a spoken voice but one that you feel or sense. She seems to communicate with me. I don't mean like I hear her talking (that would be crazy) but she is very expressive and has ways of "saying things" when she needs to make a point. It may be as simple as pushing her bowl around when it is empty or how she shows me she wants my attention by stealing my shoes to lay with them. She never damages them just lays with them. Or how she knows to wake me in the morning about 2 minutes before my alarm actually goes off. Whatever it is I just know that she is wonderful and is one of the best things that has ever happened in my life. Animals are cool. Dogs are great.


     I went down today and started the process to file a bankruptcy. I have to I just can't take the fact that everyday I feel as though I am slipping further and further into a never ending pool of debt. I mean I have a house that is worth $80,000 less than when I bought it and I bought it $80,000 under the market at the time. I just want to get back to zero and be able to relax a little and maybe enjoy this short life we have on this round ball. Maybe actually take a vacation like I used to when I was "poor" . I don't need much in life. A roof, a job, time to myself, maybe a little golf, an occasional movie. I don't need to be rich to enjoy life just relaxed.
I still feel very guilty about doing this but I know logically it is the right thing to do. I am tired of throwing good money after bad and not being able to catch up. It is very stressful and depressing. I eat more than I should. I have been drinking way to much. I know that I am using both as a way to cope and that is not the right way to handle this. I need to do this so that I can find a job I enjoy without the only though being how much I make. Some where enjoyment has to come into it.


    I have a theory. It goes like this.
    Oil companies raise the price of gas until we scream and then they lower the price until we stop. Until we accept the newer prices. We are even thankful for the prices. We say things like " well at least it's not $4.00 a gallon". My comparison is that of going to the doctor and  getting your blood pressure checked. They put on the cuff and inflate. Just when you're about to scream from the pain of the cuff being to tight they begin to lower it until there is not anymore pain. And to us that feels normal again. Guaranteed that your blood pressure is higher now than when they first started the test. Just a thought.

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